Pictures Courtesy

family pictures courtesy of Andrea Busath

Sunday, November 6, 2011


I love Sundays.  They give me a chance to reflect on the weeks activities and take inventory on how 'I did' during the last six days.  Today was an especially great Sunday.  We had the opportunity to really focus our fast on some of our good, good friends.  They are struggling to get pregnant right now and they are preparing to do IVF.  From what she has told me, there are quite a few things they both have to do to make the most of this, i.e. shots, pills, etc.

We've had them in our thoughts for a long time regarding this, but today was the first time they've asked us to participate in a family/friends fast with them.  What a great feeling...really putting someone else first and disregarding my own feelings and needs.  Since I'm nursing, I had to eat, however, the Spirit of the Fast was definitely felt.

I also had the opportunity to teach the Relief Society lesson today and since we were behind in the Gospel Principles Manual, we, as a Presidency, decided to catch up and teach from there today.  The lesson was on the Postmortal Spirit World.  It was such an incredible experience for me.  Many of the sisters shared their testimonies about the hope they feel because of the knowledge they have about there being life after death. 

I love fast and testimony meetings because I enjoy hearing everyone's testimonies.  They strengthen mine and that makes me grateful.  Someone once said something along these lines, the strengthening of testimonies is found in the bearing of it.  I love that and it is so true!!!

1 comment:

Becky said...

Cool! I love testimony meetings too. And Sundays. And you!