Pictures Courtesy

family pictures courtesy of Andrea Busath

Friday, November 22, 2013


The bedtime routine starts at about six around here.  With Arthur gone five nights out of the week, I've gotta start early so I can get each one in bed at a decent hour.

We start with baths.  Jett goes first and then we fill the tub up a little bit more for Kade and then it's Maya's turn.  She wants the water up as high as I'll let it go.  During bath time, I'll usually put on a show to keep those not bathing occupied.

Next we floss and brush teeth...there are a lot of teeth to take care of.  Sometimes a snack is requested before brushing, but most of the time stalling is not an option for these kids.

Then we'll read a book, sing a song, and then say prayers.  Lately, Kade has been stepping up his prayers...ha, actually wanting to say them.  It's so fun to hear him say what he thinks comes next instead of copying what we're whispering to him.

Jett is the first one to go down, followed by Kade, and then Maya quietly sneaks into her room (where Jett is hopefully sleeping) and falls asleep quickly.

Days around here, especially nights, are certainly getting more interesting without my better half around.  I'll be honest, I look forward to means that I get some ME time.  I get to watch a show or two that don't have little cartoons singing and I get to do stuff for myself.  

Some days are definitely better than others.  
Some days my patience is tested to the breaking point.  
Some days all I want to do is lock myself in my room.
Some days I feel like they're all conspiring against me.
Some days I can't wait until bedtime.

most days I just stare at them and feel gratitude that my Heavenly Father trusted them with me.


Becky said...

Cute post. I like to hear what people do in their home like, bedtime routine, laundry routine, etc. Cute. Love you!

Julie J. said...

As soon as Lola wakes up I start counting down to her nap time... And then when she wakes up from her nap I start counting down to bed time.
You are such a great mommy.